Wednesday 23rd and Thursday 24th April 2025

who marry that [technical] knowledge with what we might call those ‘human skills’
of listening, communicating and influencing.

Be the bestyou can be…
Securus Health & Safety Limited is a Lancashire-based consultancy established in 2009 by Michael Emery. Michael is a career safety professional who’s managed health and safety for several leading organisations, household names at home and abroad. As a qualified Executive Coach accredited with the Academy of Executive Coaching (AoEC), Michael helps other safety professionals be the very best they can be, whether it’s 1:1 coaching support they need or training in the use of coaching skills themselves through the unique IOSH Approved Coaching for safety programme. Michael also helps organisations develop a more person-centred approach to managing health and safety through the development of a coaching culture for safety.

Be the best you can be
With our unique, highly-participative, IOSH Approved Coaching for safety programme

Stay engaged
Follow the latest developments in health and safety coaching

How well do you measure up?
Complete our health and safety diagnostic and get a free report
Helping yoube the best you can be
At Securus our modus operandi is propelled by our passion for coaching and mentoring skills. We’d love our legacy to be that we helped change the safety profession in the UK for the better through our work.
First and foremost we’re focused on helping other health and safety practitioners be the very best they can be through our unique IOSH Approved Coaching for safety programme. But our other health and safety training courses too are driven by our coaching and mentoring mentality. And as for our health and safety development programme, the objective is simple – to leave our skills and our knowledge behind in your organisation so that you don’t notice when we’re gone.
Coaching for Safety
If you believe, as we do, that the role of a safety practitioner is to support managers and help them to exercise their responsibilities for health and safety – that’s why coaches exist, to be collaborative, supportive and helpful.
Health & Safety Training
In addition to our flagship IOSH Approved Coaching for safety programme, we provide health and safety courses that are professionally developed to provide delegates with the knowledge and understanding required to manage health and safety in the workplace.
Health & Safety Radar
To find out where you are on the H&S Radar and receive a free report on the health of your health and safety arrangements, please complete the Radar here.
Approved Coaching for Safety course is proving a great success…
Read what delegates have to say about the course below and if you’d like to find out more, or you’d like to book, please click here.
Our Clients

Latest news and course information
Here’s where you can keep up-to-date with the latest Securus news and features including details of up-coming courses and original articles on coaching for safety.
We’re itching to get back into the classroom with our public courses but have been taken aback slightly by how popular the live by Zoom format has been, attracting delegates from all over the world.
Our plans for 2023 therefore will involve a mix of face-to-face training and live by Zoom courses.
But what about this?! The live by Zoom course we advertised on 7th and 8th March 2023 sold out so quickly … under a week! … we’ve quickly arranged a second course on Tuesday 21st and Wednesday 22nd March 2023. That too is selling quickly so if you are interested in attending a remote course, please do book soon.
Our next course after March is almost certain to be in the classroom face-to-face.
Watch this space for details.
Thrive – Love Your Culture
Thrive is a unique, facilitated culture building initiative designed to complement any management system. Founded on well-established solution-focused techniques, Thrive avoids a detailed examination of all that is currently wrong and instead, looks to transform your workplace culture by developing the resources lying under-utilised in your organisation. Download our brochure to find out more. Or […]
FREE Coaching Experience
A coach helps their colleagues (or clients) access their own personal resources … their knowledge, their experience, their understanding of what’s going on and what is possible … with a view to finding the best way forward, one they can buy into and own. Increasingly, leading OSH professionals advocate coaching skills to complement the technical […]
Culture building – an introductory guide
How to improve the culture of an organisation is something that occupies the thoughts of many professionals, including occupational safety and health (OSH) practitioners. For some, it is a natural next step in the evolution of their approach. For others, it is an altogether more desperate attempt to fix a stubborn obstacle preventing all progress. […]
Get in touch
If you’d like to find out more about developing your coaching skills or improving your management of health and safety, or if you’d simply like to talk through an issue that’s troubling you, please fill out the form below or drop me a line – I’ll be in touch as soon as I can.
Securus Health & Safety Limited
Thornfield Avenue